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Frequently asked questions
WHAT IS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING?Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that uses principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and economics to efficiently use, produce, transform, and transport chemicals, materials, and energy.
WHERE IS RYECHEMU LOCATED ON CAMPUS?Our new office is located at Kerr Hall South 126. Visit the 'Contact Us' section to view our office hours from Monday to Friday.
HOW DO I GET INVOLVED WITH RYECHEMU?Follow our social media accounts for updates on events we are holding and come out to meet us. Additonally, there are elections at the end of the yearto be a part of the Student Union.
WHAT DO CHEMICAL ENGINEERS DO?Chemical engineers develop and design chemical manufacturing processes. Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics to solve problems that involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products.
WHAT PERCENTAGE OF CHEMENG STUDENTS GET CO-OP?There is no set percentage available, as this fluctuates every year. However, in order to graduate from the program, the student will need to complete a minumum of three work terms. However, if the student only has three work terms completed, then he/she will need to take an extra professional liberal.
WHAT IS YOUR NUMBER ONE TIP ON FINDING A CO-OP PLACEMENT?Network. Network. Network. By talking to people in the industry (and your own research) you will find many more job opportunities available than what is just on the Co-op Portal.
WHAT IS/ARE THE HARDEST(S) COURSES IN UPPER YEAR?Most students find Mass Transfer, Chemical Engineering Reaction, Process Control, and Plant Design to be the hardest courses.
WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I DON'T GET CO-OP?If you do not get a co-op place, your options are limitless. You can: Take classes to lighten your course load for the future or pursue an optional specialization in - Managements Sciences or Entrpreneurship. - Volunteer to gain experience. - Learn new skills. An excellent place where you can do so is through (Ryerson University grants free access for all students!). has tutorials on subjects such as AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, and Project Management.
HOW MANY JOBS SHOULD I APPLY TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE?Aim to apply for one to two jobs a day. Be sure to tailor your applications to increase your chances of getting an interview!
WHAT IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO STUDY FOR MIDTERMS/EXAMS?Do your homework! Pay attention during tutorial sessions. Ask the Professor for help when needed.
IS LINKEDIN NECESSARY?In short, the answer is no. However, LinkedIn is a great social media platform for employers and companies to research and learn more about you.
WHAT SHOULD I WRITE ON MY RESUME IF I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE?You can write about the academic projects you have worked on, volunteering experience and extracurricular involvement (e.g. participation of student groups and sporting teams).
WHAT IS A TYPICAL HOURLY WAGE FOR CO-OP?This depends on the company/organization and the position. It can range from $14-$25 per hour.
WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET HELP WITH RESUME AND COVER LETTER WRITING?The best place to get resume and cover letter help would be from the Co-op Office and the Career Center. Occasionally, student groups such as the Ryerson Engineering Student Society (RESS) will host workshops to help students with writing resumes and cover letters.
WHAT KIND OF INDUSTRIES CAN I APPLY TO?Chemical Engineering a is very broad discipline, so take advantage of it! Here are several examples of industries you can apply for: Food Energy (such as oil and nuclear) Mining Pharmaceutical Pulp and Paper Government
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